'VEHD' has been designed to invite spirituality into all areas of life, whether at school, at work, or in the home. We strongly believe that Vedic knowledge is important as other forms of education. 'VEHD' aims for the complete holistic development of human potential. It is an academic society designed to study mainly Vedic spirituality & philosophy. It also helps us to know philosophy all other great religions of the world. It keeps focus to make balance & harmony of body, mind & soul and maintain a good harmony among them.
Our vision is to provide Vedic learning to everyone from children to adults. It should be part of our daily life. Vedic philosophies answer all unanswered questions in life. Vedic heritage & wisdom not only emphasized social duties but also promote social happiness.. 'VEHD' aims for complete holistic development of the human potential. It helps everyone to become physically, mentally & spiritually happy.
A variety of programs geared to touch the hearts of children, young, adults, office goers, homemakers as well as senior citizens have been derived.
Vedic education is a must for every child. Their minds are impressionable & memories lasting. We have devised the following programs for their beautiful minds & various ages of development.
For adults, we use traditional scientific techniques of enhancing the harmony of body, mind & soul which are ‘Brahma Pooja’ and ‘Four-Dimensional (4 D) Meditation’.
01. Spiritual/Mental/Physical Developments.
02. Understandings the basic values of life.
03. Character formation.
04. Social consciousness.
05. Self-realization & self-respect.
06. Achieving enlightenment.
‘VEHD’ Social Forum (Common Platform for similar wavelength)
'VEHD’s forum on social media is not affiliated with any political or religious organization. It’s an open forum for all, where certain Vedic Philosophies and their integration in the present, shall be discussed.
'VEHD' encourages individuals from different backgrounds and believes to share their thoughts. However, to maintain the sanctity of the online forum, discretion should be maintained. Similarly, there shall be scrutiny of relevant posts of the forum.
The main objective behind the forum is to promote a sense of community and shared goodness of spiritual values & traditions.
'VEHD’s social forum will help to connect with people of the same spiritual wavelength. In this way, kinship and friendship of similar individuals can be fostered.
VEHD - Devotional Acadey