Our Story-
Who are we :-
Sri Pradip Banerjee is our founder, researcher & innovator whose main dream is to spread the richness of Vedic Scriptures. He has been researched Vedic scriptures & heritages for the last 18 years. He has ten books to his credits, five of them discuss related to Vedanta & Hindu Dharma in detail. Two of his books,’Maha Bhasha & Maha Lipi’ are upcoming of world linguistics as the new script & languages for modern India. He got copyright from his invention. He is also associated with other Vedic lateritic works. He dreams that One day our Vedic culture will rule the universe & make our culture easy & simple for everyone.
His main motto is that he wants to bring spirituality to those who work for national reconstruction.
Our Work -
We have done work in field of
1. Phonetics Alphabet.
2. Language and Literature,
3. Spirituality and Religion,
4. Holistic Developments.
The main objective behind the'VEHD' is to promote a sense of community and shared goodness of spiritual values & traditions.
Vedic intellectual knowledge
helps people from all walks
of life to promote a responsible citizenship and thus to build
a developed nation.
Helping individuals to
known and learn the Vedic philosophy of life. Also,unite people across Pan India through Vedic teaching.
Our Goal
With the help of Vedic teaching, Restore glory Of Hinduism. Educate people about Hindu heritage and glorious history.

Sri Pradeep Banerjee

Prof. Gargi Banerjee

Sri Joydeep Banerjee
Founder & Innovator
Shri Pradeep Banerjee is an ardent philosopher and a critical researcher of Vedic scriptures and literature. His main goal is to spread the message of Hinduism and Vedic scriptures all over the world. Earlier, he was associated with Tata Steel, but for the last 18 years, he has been involved in the study of Vedic heritage and culture for the benefit of all.
He has authored of ten books, five of which discuss Vedanta and Hinduism in detail. His two books, ‘Maha Lipi’ and ‘Maha Bhasha’ discuss the creation of a single integrated script and language for modern India. These languages and scripts will help India become more united.
She is an ex-professor of KIIT university, Bhubaneshwar ,Odisha and presently associated with Hong Kong University. Gargi Banerjee brings a lot of modern ideas and flair to the VEHD team. Professor Gargi Banerjee quit her corporate life in the Banking sector to be in the field of academics and pursue her dream to bring spirituality into the realms of modern education. She has further written book chapters on HR, contributed significantly to management journals and conferences, and has her Blog and YouTube channel for promoting her ideas and vision.
Joydeep is a highly motivated, self-directed, spiritual, and action-oriented person who is having experience of more than 12 Years in diverse industries like automobiles, finance, and automotive.
He is a post-graduate in business management and also a freelance spiritual and motivational blogger.
In his early childhood, he developed spiritual feelings and he wants to bring spirituality further in the work of country interest & human welfare and through it, wants to bring our country as a powerful country.