Our Curriculams -
‘VEHD’ has been designed to invite spirituality into all areas of daily life whether it is school, work or home, or any place. A strong education system is the backbone of a strong and vibrant nation. So our aim is to provide the complete holistic development of human potential and enhancement in students. We want to help students connect with the roots of social, moral, spiritual, and cultural development through our well-planned Vedic education. Our vision is to provide Vedic learning to everyone from children to adults, Spreading Vedic knowledge & wisdom to individuals to institutional level is our motto. It should be part of our daily life. Vedic philosophies answers all unanswered questions in life. Vedic heritage & wisdom not only emphasized social duties but also promote social happiness.
A variety of programs geared to touch the hearts of children, young, adults ,office goers ,home makers as well as senior citizens have been derived.
Vedic education is must for every children . There minds are impressionable & memories lasting. We have devised the following programs for their beautiful minds & various ages of development.
For adults, we use traditional scientific techniques of enhancing the harmony of body, mind & soul which is ‘Brahma Puja’ and ‘Four Dimensional Meditation’ (shortly introduce).
01. Spiritual/Mental/Physical Devlopments.
02. Understandings the basic values of life.
03. Character formation.
04. Social consciousness.
05. Self realisation & self respect.
06. Achieving enlghtments.

VEHD Devotion Academy
Devotional study and Holistic development for the younger generation as well as adults to rediscover and find meaning in Hindu Vedic teachings and philosophy.

Our aim is to present this course as the 'Unity. Script of India. No prior knowledge is required to learn 'Maha Bharati Lipi' or 'Maha Lipi't .It can be learned in a week.
In this level we Familiar and Understand the vowels and consonants of this script.
Level 1(Starting age 7 yrs & above)
Add some more topics of these courses, This course will help to understand how easy to drawn, write and remember this script. Learn hoe to Joining letters to make sentence.
Level 2(Starting age 7 yrs & above)
At the end of these courses, improve writing and reading skills by completing the training assignments and
Level 3(Starting age 7 yrs & above)
Maha Lipi - Classes will start very soon. Pls fill your details below.
Help us to do more, 'VEHD' need your support to create new resources for our ancient Vedic culture and educational development for India.
Please click to know more of our volunteer works.
Bank Details - ICICI Bank Ltd.
Name - Joydeep Banerjee.
(Behalf of VEHD)
Account No.- 008901546122
IESC Code - ICIC0000089
Branch - Jamshedpur.
Razorpay /UPI / PayPal Payment Gateways
are also available.
Razorpay Link - https://rzp.io/l/Qlg6NRw
UPI ID - 918447604161@airtel
Instamojo Link : www.instamojo.com/@namastevehd