Pursuit of our ambitious goals requires hard work, dedication, and a sustained amount of money.
This is a unique opportunity for our well-wishers those we have been inspired by "VEHD" and those who believe in our mission to need donors.
We need your support in every possible way to
To develop Unity Language ("MAHA BHASHA") which stands for equality and brotherhood for Pan India.
Develop Font and Phonics for "MAHA LIPI" which is also act as Unity Script for Pan India.
Our goal is to study and research the Vedic knowledge and to express it in common language for the benefit of all in the society.(Yajna/Meditation/Worship etc).
Develop a learning APP that including in build the "Maha Bhasha" dictionary.
Developing Vedic educational courses and training programs. Teaching people at a very low cost (Almost Free) for developing a better world.
Advertisement and social media publicity.
Print, Publish,Translate and Distribute books at a very low cost.
Arrange seminars and other gatherings.
Giving knowledge of Indian holistic education to everyone in the world so that they can work for the welfare of the world.
The aim will be to dispel all the rumors about the culture and traditions of India and Hinduism all over the world. It will also be a dream to try to make India a world leader.
What We Do